"After successfully defeating Sindragosa, Blood Queen Lana'thel, and Professor Putricide in a single raid reset, a teleport will become available in the center tower of Icecrown Citadel. Much like the original portal to Sapphiron's room in Naxxramas, simply stepping onto the activated area will port you up to the Lich King's throne room, and doing so is a one-way trip. However, once there, you can run around at liberty as the Lich King won't engage in combat until one of your raid members talks to Tirion Fordring and triggers the dialogue marking the start of the encounter. Take advantage of this. Plan out and perhaps even practice all the varied movements necessary for the fight's five phases, so that everyone present is comfortable and prepared. This is a long encounter, with many changing abilities. Even the floor itself changes shape during the encounter. Read carefully, and be ready to spend more than a few wipes as your raid gains the needed experience with each phase in turn.

► Raid Composition
• 25 Man
- 2 tanks - Your raid will need two tanks, both equally capable of handling the Lich King himself as well as the various adds that will come during different phases.
- 6/7 healers - You will want a good balance of strong tank and raid healers for this encounter, as both areas will be tested throughout the fight. All the healers you bring need to be capable of very quick reactions, as damage sources change frequently, and often these changes occur at the same time player movement is required. Healers who fail to watch their surroundings will wipe your raid very quickly on this encounter.
- 16/17 DPS - A good balance of ranged and melee DPS will work best for this encounter, and as always you will want to build the best set of raid buffs you can. However, the most important thing to look for in DPS for this fight are players who can remain focused on their surroundings and react quickly to movements needed or changing targets, while still putting out good damage. The best numbers in the world won't prevent a wipe if a single person loses track of their surroundings and stands in a Defile.
Some form of disease removal is an absolute requirement for completing this encounter, as it is needed to prevent Necrotic Plague from killing players. Additionally, your raid will need at least 6-7 players with good slowing/stunning abilities to keep the Val'kyr Shadowguards under control, regardless of raid role. Although they aren't required, having Misdirect or Tricks of the Trade as well as Bloodlust/Heroism will help your chances of success as usual.

► Raid Composition
• 25 Man
- 2 tanks - Your raid will need two tanks, both equally capable of handling the Lich King himself as well as the various adds that will come during different phases.
- 6/7 healers - You will want a good balance of strong tank and raid healers for this encounter, as both areas will be tested throughout the fight. All the healers you bring need to be capable of very quick reactions, as damage sources change frequently, and often these changes occur at the same time player movement is required. Healers who fail to watch their surroundings will wipe your raid very quickly on this encounter.
- 16/17 DPS - A good balance of ranged and melee DPS will work best for this encounter, and as always you will want to build the best set of raid buffs you can. However, the most important thing to look for in DPS for this fight are players who can remain focused on their surroundings and react quickly to movements needed or changing targets, while still putting out good damage. The best numbers in the world won't prevent a wipe if a single person loses track of their surroundings and stands in a Defile.

• 10 Man
- 2 tanks - Your raid will need two tanks, both equally capable of handling the Lich King himself as well as the various adds that will come during different phases.
- 2/3 healers - As is usual in the 10 man setting, your healers will need to be adept at performing both tank and raid healing roles, and be ready to cover for each other should one be temporarily unable to cast. All the healers you bring need to be capable of very quick reactions, as damage sources change frequently, and often these changes occur at the same time player movement is required. Healers who fail to watch their surroundings will wipe your raid very quickly on this encounter.
- 5/6 DPS - A good balance of ranged and melee DPS is necessary for this encounter, and as always you will want to build the best set of raid buffs you can manage within the smaller roster. However, the most important thing to look for in DPS for this fight are players who can remain focused on their surroundings and react quickly to movements needed or changing targets, while still putting out good damage. The best numbers in the world won't prevent a wipe if a single person loses track of their surroundings and stands in a Defile.

Source : BossKillers
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