Quelle gemmes utiliser pour votre stuff tank : entre les statistiques d'endurance et celles d'avoidance le débat affronte souvent les spécialistes eux-mêmes. PwnWear.com nous apporte quelques conseils :
► Gem recommendations
• If it’s a blue socket, 30 stamina, obviously.
• If it’s red : agility/stam might be* better than dodge/stam. Theck worked out agility’s benefits.
- Each point of Agility is 84% as effective as a point of dodge rating for avoidance. (i.e. 10 AGI ~ 8.4 Dodge rating ~ 0.114% Dodge)
- Each point of Agility is 98% as effective at reducing average incoming damage as a point of dodge rating (you get armour from agility)
- Each point of Agility also gives you almost 1 point of critical strike rating (bonus threat).

• If it’s yellow, defence/stamina. Recall IBF scales with Defence at +0.15% per skill.
Miss cap: it’s possible for a Nelf Frost tank to go over the miss cap of 16%, so be watchful. A hunter [Scorpid Sting] or druid’s unglyphed [Insect Swarm] can also push you there; if this happens then defence loses its value as a stat.
► Socket bonus decision
But at what point, +6 or +9 stamina, do you go with a hybrid gem instead of putting +30 stam in there anyhow?
If I was regemming, now I’m a Blood tank, I would go with an agi or
def hybrid at +9 bonus, and 30 stam at +6 or below. Stamina is the only
socket bonus worth considering (ie. strength is useless).
(My gear at the moment has
used the +6 cutoff and dodge/stam, so I’m not all that happy with it
but can’t justify the expense to change them all, yet.)
In Icecrown, remember you still get value from avoidance. At its lowered levels, avoidance reduces the chance of spike damage.
► Meta gem
Don’t lose your meta gem activation, of course. Safest solution: put your red gem in a socket with like +12 or +9 though, not a +6. TRM mentioned [Nightmare Tear], which is a great gem to satisfy meta requirements and a great gem in its own right.
► Expertise
While here, note that Theck also finalised his analysis on avoidance value of expertise,
and found each expertise rating is worth on average 46% of dodge for
Death Knights in ICC. It varies with the swing-speed of the boss, and
is more valuable for Blood tanks than others since more of our damage
can be parried. I don’t know the exact range yet, and Theck’s finishing
some analysis for dual-wield. Just use 46% as a rule-of-thumb for now.
(I checked the logic of his workings and it looks right to me. I couldn’t check the maths; it was too complicated.)
This is less efficient than the other tanks, because we have a good number of unparryable attacks. Paladins gets loads of value.
With that basis: I would not go for expertise/stam (instead of agility/stam) unless you are dual-wielding, in which case the expertise might be a good choice on a +9 bonus slot.
► Stamina: shoulders and runeforge
I just changed my shoulder enchant to +stamina too. The exalted Hodir was about 0.5% avoidance after-DR, the PvP is 330 HP. Vene suggests it too.
For runeforge, I only use the Gargoyle or Nerubian for 2% stamina also. (The alternative give you 1% more avoidance.)
So far, Icecrown encounters are not showing mechanics that favour
avoidance, so stacking stamina is still a sensible philosophy. Saurfang
requires fast taunts, not avoidance.
We don’t know if hard-mode will change other encounters towards
avoidance, but I doubt it very much. My gut feel is that it’s more
likely a fight or two will favour block-value like Anub’arak.
► Personal view: EH or avoidance

If you don’t have a view, go with stamina.
If you do have a contrary view, be pleased to hear your comments.
► Threat gems ?
The above advice presumes you do not have threat problems, and that
you are focusing on survival, and you are over 540 defence. See the
comments below for some discussion on threat, if that’s your real issue.
Gemming for expertise, if you’re below 6.5%, is a good boost to
threat, but so is eating expertise food or even using a DPS-oriented
trinket or ring. I have 18 stam enchants on my gloves; if I wanted
threat the Armsman is a very strong alternative since +2% more threat is not that easy to get, as you’ll see.
In order to put some metrics behind this, I did a few quick calculations.
If you gem expertise/stamina
in red slots, for my gear (i232 average) in a Blood tank spec, 200ms
latency, in Icecrown aura, with me below both the expertise and hit cap:
- each gem of 10 expertise is worth +0.35% threat. So I could swap all four of my dodge/stam gems and gain ~1.4% threat; note this value drops away once I’m over 6.5%.
- Strength/stamina has similar threat gain of 0.26% per epic gem (10 str), but doesn’t have a cap. (Note 10 strength provides meaninglessly small amount of parry.)
- I could swap the def/stam for hit/stam for a strong gain of 0.45% per epic gem.
These results are because the EP value of expertise and hit are so high for me as a Blood tank, with RS glyph.
If you want to work this kind of thing out for yourself, you’d need
to use Kahorie’s sim with your gear values, but in absence of that you
could use the above as an indicative figures. There is a degree of interaction between your gear levels, talents, latency and stats.
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